Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nadya Suleman and Her Octuplets

Welcome to my first blog. Often enough, I find myself aggravated with random things that have happened in the world and I feel like I need an outlet to express my feelings on certain issues. I've posted a few on MySpace, but I feel that I just want a place that can be solely about blogs dealing with controversial issues in the world. I encourage debate and I would love to hear your opinions on these matters.

So, for my first blog on this platform, I would like to discuss Nadya Suleman, the mother who recently gave birth to octuplets. An amazing feat? Yes. An unfit mother? No doubt in my mind. This woman gave birth to octuplets after recieving "in vitro fertilization." In normal circumstances, taking this step wouldn't bother me in the least, but this woman already had six children! In a recent article, it was revealed that she was already experiencing financial problems with the six children that she has previously, and then she decided to have more?! This is absolutely ludacris to me! These poor children are going to grow up in a household where the money is always going to be tight. Another problem that I foresee is the fact that this family now consists of 14 children! That's too many for them all to recieve the love, care and attention that they need to grow up has happy little children. The last thing they need is all the stress that is going to come from the mistakes that there mother has made.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think that this is the children's fault and my only hope is that they all grow up to be healthy and happy individuals, but this mother is out of control! My guess is that she probably won't stop here. The saddest part of all is that because of her "obsession" with children, the usual sponsers that would have jumped all over helping her out and ensuring that these children grow up happy, aren't helping! So now, due to this woman's carelessness, the taxpayers are now paying for her children! In this article that I was reading it states the following: "
For a single mother, the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 ranges from $1.3 million to $2.7 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture." And it's our job to help her pay for this. That is absolutely ridiculous!

Unfortuneatly, due to the fact that many Americans make there money and want to see it go towards things that are going to help them out directly (rightfully so, in my opinon), this woman has recieved an uncanny amount of death threats. This is uncalled for. Granted, she is a moron and a terrible mother, but that doesn't warrant these people to threaten her life.

In the end, while I think that she made all the wrong choices, I welcome this kids into the world and I only hope that they can survive the life that has been set before them.

Here is the most recent article that I have read on this subject. It's also where I found that statistic.

Thank you for reading and please leave your thoughts!

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